
Our Impact


The Keene Lions Club has adopted Eyesight preservation as the primary focus of our charitable giving. Although the club supports many charities and assists community organizations in many ways, Eyesight receives most of the club's effort and resources.

Eyesight assistance takes many forms from cataract surgery for the elderly to eyeglasses for youngsters whose families cannot afford the prescription glasses themselves. The club regularly purchases expensive reading aids that help people with limited vision continue to function and lead active, productive lives.

Those in need are referred to the club by social service organizations and physicians. Many times they contact the Lions Club on their own behalf. Each request is carefully considered, and if approved, funds are quietly made available directly to the recipient's physician or healthcare organization.

In addition to eyesight causes, the Keene Lions Club has been responsible for spearheading community projects. Diabetes Awareness & Prevention, New lighting, for example, at Keene High School's Alumni Field, Ashuelot River Park and The Keene Skate Park came about through the Keene Lion's efforts.

Today the entire community benefits. Likewise, the club was responsible for the installation of swimming pools at both Robin Hood Park and Wheelock Park, the playground equipment at the Keene Recreation Center, and the Jonathan Daniels Pickleball Courts. In 2015, the Lions Pavilion was constructed at the Keene Recreation Center and donated to the City of Keene.

Environmental issues are also important to the club. The club takes responsibility for a stretch of highway leading into the city and schedules regular clean-up days. In 2023 the club started participation in the Trek Recycling program, which diverts soft plastics from landfills by recycling them—and in return receives a new bench for the community.

The Keene Lions Club also collects used eyeglasses and recycles them into service for the needy. Keene Lions have also helped to provide defibrillators and defibrillator training devices to area rescue units and the local chapter of the American Red Cross. Lion's funds also support underprivileged children through scholarships for area youth to attend summer camps.

Check out our "PROJECT" page to see our ever-growing list of fundraisers and service projects!